Kaleidoscope Chard with Balela

How cool is the word “kaleidoscope”? Like a toy kaleidoscope, kaleidoscope chard is a rainbow of colors. These greens offer an excellent range of flavors and colors from orange, pink, and yellow to softer greens, whites and bold red. 

It’s visually appealing, for sure, and packed with vitamins A & C, calcium, iron, fiber, and folic acid. By easily combining it with Balela, you’ll get an extra boost of deliciousness and protein.

This recipe is inspired by Trader Joe’s:

Kaleidoscope chardTrader Joe's Balela



  • 2 packs of Kaleidoscope Chard
  • 3 cubes of crushed garlic
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 containers of Balela
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Sauté chard in garlic and olive oil
  2. Cook until it is limp, not dead
  3. Add Balela
  4. Stir and serve

Kaleidoscope Chard with Balela

Other add-on options: Grilled chicken, tofu, italian sausage or chicken sausage! I’ve also discovered that kaleidoscope chard is surprisingly satisfying on pizza… maybe that’s my next recipe? Enjoy!

If you follow me on Instagram @vivieimpara, you may have seen my Shrimp and Pesto Zoodles recipe, check it out and let me know what you think!

Love always,

Elizabeth Kate

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